Thursday, August 21, 2008

"Haikus" Northern Rockies CM, Jennifer Erickson

It is almost half way through the season now and, like myself, some of us might be missing the comfort of home. I have begun questioning a lot of things recently, including my place here in the MCC. I left a a big piece of heart in Cincinnati-with remainders scattered in old, musty apartment buildings and in the existing memories of past lovers. I’m trying to fill some of the void with the joy found in my new adventures and an improved, positive outlook on life.

It is important for me to learn how to take comfort in those, seemingly insignificant, moments in life that, when strung together, make up the “big picture.” I’ve read somewhere that “we often see or sense something that gives us a big of a lift, or moment’s pure sadness” and realized just how important those instances are. Sometimes these blips in our life answer a lot of our questions and can aid in the occurrence of an epiphany to some degree. I believe it is important for us to remember why we first came here and what it is exactly that it keeping us here. It’s important that we not look at this experience in a wholistic sense, but reflect and hold on to those meaningful, everyday occurrences that truly are the components of life.

Here are some of my personal encounters, in the form of haikus, that have helped to shape and mold my experiences with my crew and with the MCC:

Setting sun atop the mountains
With a glimpse of my shadow-
i am humbled

Starry night in July
Silent air
Wondering-what else is out there?

Wiping sweat off my brow...
i wonder-
if it’s time for lunch

Air rushes in the opened windows
Gravel crunches below
Our voices form melodies

Belly aching from laughter
Reality is lost-
holding onto this moment-we are invincible.

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Take nothing for granted. Not one blessed, cool mountain day or one hellish, desert day or one sweaty, stinky, hiking companion. It is all a gift.
—CINDY ROSS, Journey on the Crest, 1987