Monday, November 9, 2009

Beggining, Patrick Johnson, GY

Friday, November 6th, 2009

The last time I was unemployed I was in Minot, going to high school & running track. Today was my last day of the season with MCC. This time, unemployment is the real deal. I have bills to pay with no dependable income source. It kind of worries me that I don't have a job lined up, but only for a time. Dad called me tonight and reminded me that I didn't have a job. He did this indirectly and in a caring way as only a parent could. My MCC experience was nothing short of amazing as my love for nature has been born a new. I cannot imagine myself working in a building ever again. I spent the better part of 6 months working & camping with 5 other individuals very different from myself & each other. Jess McGinnis, Ian Baldwin, Todd Burret, Anthony Smith and Jacob Mogler made up the group I lived with. I've come to learn that we all had personal struggles but maybe some of those struggles have been made easier by this experience. I found it hard during graduation to have a reflective attitude. I was refusing the fact that this stage in my life was over and that I would probably grow apart from my new found family. I found a friend in everyone on my crew but especially Jacob. Closest in age to myself & having a similar passion for skiing we frequently hung out on our off days. I've been backcountry snowboarding with him on 3 separate occasions & enjoyed each of them. Knowing that someone else is going through some of the same struggles as myself is comforting. The relations between the group as a whole will never be as great as they were this summer. How could they? Hopefully I will not focus on this view but rather strive to maintain my new connections & hope that the others will do the same. Never before have I spent so much time with a group of people outside my family. We definately did not always agree with each other's opinions but we did strive to respect those opinions & hear the reasoning behind them. Ideally, this is how everyone would solve conflict in the world but perhaps it will never be. Complete understanding was a super hero power that I once wished for, but that would make life terribly dull. Thank you MCC for this great life changing opportunity.

Patrick Johnson
Greater Yellowstone
Team FUN

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Take nothing for granted. Not one blessed, cool mountain day or one hellish, desert day or one sweaty, stinky, hiking companion. It is all a gift.
—CINDY ROSS, Journey on the Crest, 1987