Monday, June 28, 2010

Stinky:Pinky - Genavieve MacDonald, NRock

“Obese: feline”, “slum: shoe”. Anyone who has encountered our crew these last couple of weeks most likely has heard a conversation carrying on like this. This is when we have to explain the never ending game of “stinky pinky” that we play to keep ourselves entertained throughout the work day. The game is pretty simple, pick two words that rhyme and then think of synonyms for them and then the rest of the crew has to guess what the words or the stinky pinky are. Probably reminds you of some game you played in middle school but this game has already entertained us for hours while we’ve been clearing trails and planting shrubs. When it’s been cold and rainy and everyone still has to work for a couple more hours, stinky pinky has been to the rescue, bringing our crew some much needed humor. The game can be catchy too; we’ve sucked in other participants into it, ranging from members of the youth crew to members of the forest service.
If you’d asked me a month or two ago if I would have seen my future self perched on a mountain side trying to figure out the answer to someone’s stinky pinky, my answer would have undoubtedly been no. But this last month for everyone in the MCC has been one of new experiences. There’s been the new job, new cities, new friends, new co-workers, new skills; the list of “news” could be endless. But I think that is a huge part of why we have all come to be working for the MCC; to be able to have this opportunity for all these new experiences

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Take nothing for granted. Not one blessed, cool mountain day or one hellish, desert day or one sweaty, stinky, hiking companion. It is all a gift.
—CINDY ROSS, Journey on the Crest, 1987